events near me
Events near me in the world of yoga and wellness.
Enjoy and learn at Lemon Yoga Sevilla

Nov 30 /
Dec 1st
The Bio-mechanics of Ashtanga
Please mark your calendars for the weekend of November 30th and December 1st.
What is Ashtanga yoga biomechanics? It is the study of human body movement and its application in the practice of yoga (specifically Ashtanga in these workshops), allowing us to understand how to correctly align each posture to maximize its benefits and prevent injuries.
The weekend is divided into three workshops that will not only take you to explore the deeper aspects of your Ashtanga practice, but will also provide you with knowledge and tools that will transform your approach to yoga.
Family Yoga WORKSHOP

Just in time for some tempting “indoor plans” we are bringing back this popular workshop.
Spend an afternoon connecting through play, stunts and mindfulness and share your favorite activity with the people you love most... Family yoga is a wonderful way to develop the emotional bond that children love.
Taught by Victoria, a yoga teacher for pregnant women and yoga for children in
Come with whoever you want, dad, mom, grandparents, uncles...
Make your reservation and don't miss out!
November 15, 2024

Are you curious about ecstatic dance? Each and every ecstatic dance is different, depending on the energy brought by the various groups.
But one thing is certain. You will feel lighter afterward. After shaking off some stagnant energy, transforming or moving some emotion or blockage, letting go, or even deciding to receive energy from the experience. It's up to you.
We're dancing next Sunday, November 24th at 7pm!
vocational training
of therapeutic Qi Gong

With the International Qi Gong Institute
+Qi Gong or Chi Kung, energy work, is a tool of traditional Chinese medicine that aims to improve the physical, energetic and mental health level through the coordination of slow movement, breathing and concentration.
In addition to optimizing the human body, Qi Gong is a very powerful personal development practice that is accessible to everyone.
Saturday and Sunday,
January 11th and 12th
Saturday: 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Sunday: 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

It was spring in Seville. Fatima, Roberto and Corrie had been sharing a journey for 9 months when a unique opportunity came their way….
The signal from the universe was so clear that they did not second-guess it or themselves. They jumped into the void and created Lemon Yoga, a space where they can continue learning together and where they can share asanas and good vibrations with their local community.
Select the event you are interested in, leave us your information and we will contact you to complete your reservation.
If the yoga event you are interested in does not appear listed below, write us what it is in the comments.
Thank you from Fatima, Roberto and Corrie from Lemon Yoga Sevilla!